Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent Visa: How to Apply and Key Requirements | Lex Move

The Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent Visa offers a pathway for parents to live in Australia temporarily, reuniting with their children without the long wait times of permanent parent visas. This visa allows parents to stay in Australia for up to 5 years, with the option to renew.

Subclass 870 Sponsored Parent Visa

How to Apply:

  1. Sponsorship Approval: Before applying for the 870 Sponsored Parent Visa, the child must first be approved as an eligible sponsor. This includes meeting residency and financial requirements.
  2. Visa Application: Once sponsorship is approved, parents can apply for the Sponsored Parent Visa Subclass 870. Applicants must meet health, character, and financial obligations
  3. Processing: The visa typically takes several months to process. It's important to submit all required documentation, including health and character checks.

Key Requirements:

  • No work rights: Holders of the Parent Visa Subclass 870 are not permitted to work in Australia.
  • Health Insurance: Applicants must maintain adequate health coverage for the duration of their stay.
  • Financial Stability: Proof of financial capability is required from the sponsor to support the parent.

The Sponsored Parent Visa 870 is an excellent option for families seeking to spend extended time together while meeting Australia's immigration guidelines.


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